
Trip to Malaysia DAY2

I have to revise the conclusion of the previous blog...

People, temperature, air and foods,,,so far so good:)

Dont believe taxi driver in any countries aside from Japan.
Everytime they say whenever I asked this question "Why are you using farther road??".

"I dont know~~~ my google told me this route~~~"

WTF. even my google does know the best path. but before you say that bullshit, why do you have to use google in your neighborhood??

Anyways, after the battle with taxi driver, I got to "Putrajaya". Malaysia had built main government offices in this neighborhood.
It was still dawn when I arrived there even it was almost 8AM.

Malaysia uses "+8" timezone and its same as Philippines even though its located west side of Singapore.
I have a responsibility for a person who lacks geometry's sense.
Sounds strange, but its coz of the shape of Malaysia.

Thats the reason why it was still dark even it was almost 8AM. Actual time is nearly like 7AM.
Thanks to the weird timezone, I could see beautiful sunrise, tho:))

This guy was my part time buddy to troll around Putrajaya :)

Which building is which ministry's?? I dont know:P
Only I can say is what I was mesmerized by those curved shape like onions!

Especially this pink colored mosque was soooo adorable!:)

Putrajaya is a vast city so I recommend using some vehicle.

Its time to move to other city. Malaysia is huge country I had to move nomadically.
I had searched beforehand. I knew there was a bus toward KL directly.
However, the bus didn't come. Even I couldnt find the bus stop~~~

Nobody knows~~~
No,I had to say correctly. everybody told me different answer~~~~~
even google doesnt know~~~

I made up my mind. I should go back to train. yea sometimes we need to retreat.

Eventually, I arrived to Kuala Lumpur!
I wanted to come here by bus but I really like traveling by train. stations show me different faces in each countries:)

Apparently there are not only ground trains, but also monorails in KL.
KL was huge city just as I imagined.

Through my life in foreign countries, I learned this tip...

"Go to Chinatown when the country's foods dont suit you"
I can assure that Chinatown is always dependable about dishes.

Usually I can eat the regional foods but sometimes yea, sometimes afaj;dlfa;sa

Dont say anything. Just try it. It was super duper delicious "wan tan mee". it might be the best I have ever eaten.

Its my custom. I visit Starbucks and McDonald's whenever I travel foreign countries.
Starbucks is stable. They dont change quality, taste, atmosphere and even price.  Only the U.S. is different from other countries. Which is the original?? lol.

I have to mention about typical sight seeing spot.

Everybody take couple or group shots. Me? Im not so gallant. I cant follow the line to take selfie there.

This building is "Kuala Lumpur City Gallery". You can find the Malaysian history and plans of the future with majestic effect.

There are gorgeous malls in the city.

Dont worry japanese. There are many Japanese cousin restaurants!

but im japanese who live in japan so I can eat Japanese cuisine anytime. This time I had dinner at..."Jalan Alor" where swarms lots of stalls and people.

Noisy touting. I didnt wanna be "the sitting duck" so I dared to avoid central stalls, went to the edge and chose the small stall where Mr. very strict looking guy cooked.

This is food called "Hokkien Mee/Noodle", one of famous food in Malay. Yummy:)
You know, Alcohol is expensive in Malaysia. I had always said "I dont care about it coz I dont need Alcohol!".
I need to change my mind. BEER is extremely delicious in hot country such as Malaysia.
And I hardly remembered after drinking beer:P


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